
2024 / Concert-installation

Luciférine is a sculptural sound performance for bioluminescent bacteria. Its name refers to the molecule at the heart of the chemical reaction of bioluminescence.

In the darkness, a group of humans follow the deployment of these bacteria in liquid form inside a glass sculpture-instrument. As it travels, the living light draws the shape of a chimerical entity and composes a multilayered music by contacting sound sensors. The sculpture-instrument is a real playground for bacteria, providing the oxygen needed for bioluminescence by shaking and moving the luminous liquid. Luciférine offers a multi-sensory connection with these microscopic marine organisms which are close to those at the origin of life on Earth. This new project offers an immersive and contemplative experience, a motionless voyage to the depths to discover this bewitching abyssal phenomenon.

concept, composition, performance :
Thomas Laigle

artistic collaboration :
Lyllie Rouvière, Tsirihaka Harrivel

construction and collaboration on technical implementation :
Lou Force

glassblower :
Éric Pedditzi

scientific support :
Laurie Casalot, Gwenola Simon (MIO / IRD / amU), Corinne Vallette (MIO), Marcel Koken (Labocea), microalgae epigenomics team (US2B)

production :
Lueurs Soniques

production manager :
Louise Simon

Thanks to :
Jérémie Brugidou, Frédéric Mancini, Clément Rouil, Mickaël Tamimy, Ulysse Bouët, Thierry Botti, Anna Faber, Olivia McGregor

Created in coproduction with CHRONIQUES CRÉATIONS

In coproduction with Station Mir, GMEM, Stereolux, SOMA.
With support from CNAP, Centre national des arts plastiques.
Laureate project of the Enowe-Artagon 2023 artistic production fund.

picture credits : Sébastien Normand, Grégoire Édouard, Romain Charrier